Knit a Little Bit







Knit Pumpkin Hat

 by Pam Stiff



Newborns : Size 7 US 11 inch circular or *double point needles

Preemie:     Size 4 US 11 inch circular or *double point needles 

1 skein Simply Soft in Mango (orange)

Scraps of Green in 4 ply


Preemie - Newborn


Newborn:      CO 63 stitches or a multiple of 9.

Preemie:       CO 56 stitches or a multiple of 8  

*Helpful Hint

When using double points instead of using a marker put a small amount of stitches on your first needle so you will know where you started. 

For instance if you CO 56 above you would put 16 stitches on you first needle and 20 on the other two or you could put 8 sts, 24 sts & 24 sts.

(It does not matter the number but it is helpful to have the enough so your k2tog is on the same needle.)    

Join, mark beg of round.  *see helpful hint

Newborn:      *k8, p1; rep from * around.

Preemie:       *K7, p1; rep from * around.

Work until about 4 inches for a newborn, begin Row 1 of decreases

or 3 to 3 1/2 inches for a preemie size, begin at Row 3 for decreases

If a smaller size is wanted, go down a needle size, or decrease CO stitches and work 1/2 inch less before you begin the decreasing.

Then begin decreasing:

Row 1: K7, p2tog, ; rep around. (56 st)

Row 2: K to purl stitch, p1; rep around

Row 3: K6, p2tog,; rep around (49 st)

Row 4: Rep Row 2

Row 5: K5, p2tog, ; rep around.(42 st)

Row 6: Rep Row 2

Row 7: K4, p2tog, ; rep around (35 st)

Row 8: K3, p2tog, ; rep around (28 st)

Row 9: K2, k2tog, ; rep around (21 st)

Change to green yarn for stem

Row 10: K1, k2tog,; rep around (14 st)

Row 11: *K2tog; rep around

k2tog one more time (6 st)

Work 3 – 6 rows even as I-Cord and then decrease 1 stitch every row until you have 3 stitches.  Cut yarn and draw through loops leaving a long enough tail to pull through the center of the stem to the inside of the hat.  Pull this thread until you have a curl in the stem and fasten off so the curl stays.  


Making I-Cord is easy go here: and scroll down to watch the video.


This page was last updated on 09/12/09.

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